Extracurricular  Classes

For questions about the EC program please contact Yeyun Zhou: Yeyun.Zhou@bohua.org. 

有任何问题请联系 周叶云: Yeyun.Zhou@bohua.org


Class Introduction

Mathcounts 6-7, the second most difficult competition math class at Bohua, will improve students’ existing knowledge about topics on algebra and geometry while expanding on the fields of number theory, counting and probability, precalculus, and other difficult mathematical concepts. Students will be expected to have a solid foundation of prealgebra and prior algebra and geometry-related knowledge.

Alexander Zhang is a senior at Fairview High School in Boulder. In middle school, he competed in regional and state level Mathcounts competitions, also becoming a honor roll finalist in the AMC 8, one of the most prestigious middle school math competitions in the nation. In high school, Alexander scored in the 94th percentile for his grade on the AMC 10.  He has two years of prior experience as a teacher’s assistant for the Mathcounts 6-7 class, and is excited to teach the class himself.

Mathcounts, Advanced

7th-8th Grade 

Class Introduction

The MATHCOUNTS Advanced class for 7-8th grades is aimed towards students who are participating in competition mathematics, namely MATHCOUNTS. Students should be looking to further sharpen their skills and build on known concepts. Topics that are covered include algebra, geometry, counting and probability, and number theory. 

Davin Yin is a Senior at Fairview high school. He is an experienced math athlete, having participated in MathCounts, AMC 8/10, UNC, and ARML. He is 1st place in MathCounts Boulder Chapter and 6th place in MathCounts State in 2020. He has qualified for AIME since middle school and received a perfect score in UNC math contest in 2021. He loves to solve math problems and would like to have fun with compassionate math kids. He is looking forward to having a good year with you at the MathCounts classes.

Math Olympiad

4th-5th Grade

Class Introduction

The Math Olympiad class is aimed towards students in grades 4-5 and teaches the essential topics behind the Math Olympiad competition, which they are able to participate in. Through this class, students are not only able to learn deeper topics in math, but also develop critical thinking skills which will benefit them in the future. This class also provides a foundation of knowledge that is helpful for future math competitions and classes. This class is taught by Kelly Yang, a senior  Fairview High School student who have been successful in various math competitions such as Mathcounts, AMC, UNC, and more.

Chinese Culture and Club


Hello everyone! Our names are Jude and Allan, and we will be the teachers of the Bohua Debate Club. We are very excited to run the Bohua Debate Club, and hope you will join us to learn more about debate. We will be rising sophomores at Fairview High School in the 2024 fall semester, and have some experience in the high school debate environment. 

The main reason we are running this class is to help younger students get exposure to high school debate. For clarification, this class will be taught in complete English, and not in Chinese. We have both participated in the past Bohua Debate Classes and found that these classes effectively gave us a “head-start” in our high school debate careers. Due to this, we hope that we are able to provide the same sort of advantage that we were given, driving our decision to reinstate the class.

Throughout the semester, we will start by going over the basics of all high school debate, and then dive into detail about Policy Debate, our main event. Regardless, students should gain insight on all debate events. We will mainly try to improve the students’ public speaking abilities as well as logical analysis and formation of arguments.

大家好!我们的名字是Jude和Allan, 下学期在Fairview高中学校上十年级。我们非常希望能在博华开辩论的课外活动。我们已经有不少的辩论经验,想跟小一点的孩子们讲一讲高中辩论是什么样的。这样,到时候他们真的想在高中做辩论赛,已经对辩论更熟悉。因为高中辩论是用英语进行的,我们会用英语教课。我们主要讲Policy辩论,但也会简单的讲到辩论比赛。我们希望学生们上完一学期后,学生们的逻辑分析和演讲能力能大大的进步。


Class Introduction


Class Introduction


2024年秋季的中学生舞蹈班是由茉莉花的学员小姐妹 Snow Liu & Rena Liu 来教,她俩是Fairview的高中生,请看老师如下的介绍。




Teens Chinese Dance

Couse Leader:Snow and Rena, both are students at Fairview High School.  They has been dancing for over 10 years on Chinese traditional dance. As students of Lily Han from Jasmine Flower Dance School,they participated in a number of competitions and events, such as in Dance Festival of Silver Star Dance School, the Tao Li Bei World Dance Competition, NBA Denver Nugget halftime shows, KAR Dance Competition, and more. They have won a number of overall high score awards. 

Course Time: 4-5pm

Course Content: Basic skills practice, 1-2 groups of body and rhyme combinations, 1-2 pieces of Chinese dance

Suitable for the crowd: Teenagers over 10 years old who are interested in Chinese dance and have requirements to improve body coordination and appearance and temperament.

Class Introduction



Class Introduction



Chinese culture seminar series (文化课系列讲座). New! Details will be released  soon (新! 主讲人名单和主题尽快公布)


This class will be free (本课程免费,无需注册!),稍后我们会分享这些系列讲座的主讲人!欢欢迎所有学生家长来参加和体验这学期的文化盛宴!





由于文化主题深远庞大,由单个老师来授课的传统模式不太可行,我们打算尝试分成不的板块来讲授。可能的主题:中国民族服装、美食、书法、古建筑、舞蹈、音乐(乐器)、棋牌、地理、历史、百家姓、简单古文、四大发明、唐诗,宋词,小说,名著,等等等, 这些只是抛砖引玉;Anything related to Chinese culture,  you name it。 


每个板块,可能1-2节课时长,我们能找到多少人来做,就做几个部分,一学期最多14节课,能做几节课就做几节课;  如果做不完,下学期可以继续循环做。 

Class Introduction


鲁凡石 (Jimmy) 是FAIRVIEW中学高三学生,有十几年的乐器学习和演奏经验,初中三年一直是学校管乐队和爵士乐队 (BAND, JAZZ BAND) 的主吹手并在爵士乐队的毕业汇演中担任最后曲目的唯一独奏(SOLO)高中阶段将继续在校行进乐队 (MARCHING BAND) 进行为期四年的学习和演奏。长城中文学校管弦乐器演奏家冯咪咪老师是Jimmy的推荐人,茉莉花舞蹈学院的韩莉莉老师也推荐他和她们团队一起参加演出。


中国功夫 Kung Fu

Ages 8 and above

Class Introduction

Shaolin Hung Mei Kung Fu offers a comprehensive system of traditional martial practices intended to cultivate the defense skills, health, character and spiritual development of its students. As when studying any discipline based art such as a musical instrument, painting, another sport and so on, students must first learn the basic techniques. For example, a student of violin must learn how to finger the strings and use the bow before learning how to play a complete song.

New students of Shaolin Hung Mei Kung Fu will first be taught how to execute basic techniques, the most important of which are stances such as Zuò Mă (坐馬), Qián Mă (前馬), and others. In addition, these students will be taught how to properly execute punching, kicking, blocking and more in isolation as well as in combinations. Later in the semester, students will put these techniques together in longer sequences or combinations.

Returning students - those who have already participated in the Bohua Kung Fu class and have been shown the basic methods - will continue to build upon what they have been taught in past semesters and be instructed in not only more complex sequences but paired exercises. Learning paired exercises helps members develop a deeper understanding of the “martial intention” of each technique.

Most importantly, we hope to help our students develop what we refer to as “martial spirit” – the spirit of confidence without arrogance, a spirit which they can apply to every other aspect of their lives. We can only achieve these goals with your help. As in any study of any kind, developing new skills requires practice. We will only see the students for about 55 minutes once per week for a few weeks before a break… and then for another few weeks before yet another break and so on. With your help, encouraging more consistent practice, we will have a much greater chance of achieving our goals.

The Bohua Kung Fu class is open to all willing students from age 8 and up and including middle and high schoolers as well as adults/parents. For additional information concerning Shaolin Hung Mei Kung Fu, please see www.shaolinhungmei.org.

Here's the link to Shī Fù's Bio: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1J55gpqhKqo4_LyMg1SaEZaStE0PlZcSf/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=117226050126398147730&rtpof=true&sd=true


TaeKwon-Do (跆拳道) is the mental training and techniques of unarmed combat for self-defense as well as health. It involves the skilled application of punches, kicks, blocks, and dodges with bare hands and feet for the rapid destruction of a moving opponent or opponents. TaeKwon-Do is a martial art known as “the art of the hand and foot.”Growing up in China, Lin Mei-Li was captivated by various great martial artists. As a 5th Degree Black Belt in TaeKwon-Do, she trains under Senior Grand Master Charles Sereff, the President of USTF (United State TaeKwon-Do Federation). She has achieved gold medals in National and International Championships in all three categories: Patterns, Sparring, and Breaking.Lin Mei-Li Laoshi is a very responsible teacher and puts great effort in teaching your children. She has been teaching for many years and is an experienced instructor. Her goal is to train your children according to the Five Tenets of TaeKwon-Do ( 跆拳道精神): Courtesy, Integrity, Perseverance, Self-control and Indomitable Spirit (礼仪, 廉耻, 忍耐, 克己, 百折不屈) and the TaeKwon-Do Student Oath ( 跆拳道学生誓言 ):

I shall observe the tenets of TaeKwon-Do. ( 我应当遵守跆拳道的信条。)

I shall respect the instructor and seniors. ( 我应当尊重教师和长辈。)

I shall never misuse TaeKwon-Do. ( 我将永远不会滥用跆拳道。)

I shall be a champion of freedom and justice. ( 我将成为一个自由和公正的冠军。)

I shall strive to build a more peaceful world. ( 我将努力建设一个更加和平的世界。)

Ms. Lin would like to do her best to have her students to achieve the first degree Black Belt when they graduate from Bohua!


Last semester, we offered complementary classes (Yoga, Square Dance and Choir) to adults in the community to gauge interest.  Due to the cost of paying teachers, facility rent and other expenses, we are asking adults to register for these classes in the Spring semester. We are keeping the costs as low as $50 per class (average to $3 per class) if enough people enroll. So invite your friends and register at https://newsite.bohua.org ($15 registration fee per student). 


Last semester, we offered complementary classes (Yoga, Square Dance and Choir) to adults in the community to gauge interest.  Due to the cost of paying teachers, facility rent and other expenses, we are asking adults to register for these classes in the Spring semester. We are keeping the costs as low as $50 per class (average to $3 per class) if enough people enroll. So invite your friends and register at https://newsite.bohua.org ($15 registration fee per student). 


Last semester, we offered complementary classes (Yoga, Square Dance and Choir) to adults in the community to gauge interest.  Due to the cost of paying teachers, facility rent and other expenses, we are asking adults to register for these classes in the Spring semester. We are keeping the costs as low as $50 per class (average to $3 per class) if enough people enroll. So invite your friends and register at https://newsite.bohua.org ($15 registration fee per student). 

说说我个人的一点经历 并不存在喜不喜欢的问题 羽毛球是个趣味性和对抗性极强的运动(在奥运项目里面单位时间的体能消耗仅次于拳击)不喜欢往往是因为没有启蒙没有入门 一旦入门就相当于打开了魔盒 你走在路上 上个洗手间看到镜子 看到一块平地 甚至躺在床上 都会忍不住去练习动作或练习步法 这个运动就是具备这样的魔力 但是非常可惜 很多人都不知道 更别说体会到以技术动作去打击和欺骗对手的乐趣 以战术手段去寻找对手的弱点、放大自己的优势的历练...

我的教学 不仅仅是技术性教学 会有很多的鼓励和称赞(因为教学的时候往往十次击球可能只有一两次是合格的 那么这一两次成功与合格的击球 我会大声为孩子叫好 并让他们努力记住这种最好的感觉)让孩子们在比较有技术难度的学习中寻找自信 寻找灵感 寻找自觉 寻找提升...


说说我个人的一点经历 并不存在喜不喜欢的问题 羽毛球是个趣味性和对抗性极强的运动(在奥运项目里面单位时间的体能消耗仅次于拳击)不喜欢往往是因为没有启蒙没有入门 一旦入门就相当于打开了魔盒 你走在路上 上个洗手间看到镜子 看到一块平地 甚至躺在床上 都会忍不住去练习动作或练习步法 这个运动就是具备这样的魔力 但是非常可惜 很多人都不知道 更别说体会到以技术动作去打击和欺骗对手的乐趣 以战术手段去寻找对手的弱点、放大自己的优势的历练...

我的教学 不仅仅是技术性教学 会有很多的鼓励和称赞(因为教学的时候往往十次击球可能只有一两次是合格的 那么这一两次成功与合格的击球 我会大声为孩子叫好 并让他们努力记住这种最好的感觉)让孩子们在比较有技术难度的学习中寻找自信 寻找灵感 寻找自觉 寻找提升...


国际象棋 Chess Club (因为报名人数太少,暂时停掉了!)

Class Introduction

The Bohua Chess Club has a place for all of its members. Beginners will be taught the fundamentals of the game and chess basics, while intermediate to advanced players will learn about tactics, openings, middle game, and endgame strategy, and will dive deeper into game analysis and evaluation.

Alexander Zhang is a junior at Fairview High School in Boulder. Previously, he won a state championship title in the K-6 division of the Colorado Scholastic Championship. Today, he continues to actively participate in online and in-person chess tournaments, and has achieved a top 200 ranking in classical chess on Lichess. He has over three years of experience teaching chess, and has taught over 30 students at Bohua.

素描启蒙班 Kids Sketch Class (原来的老师不能教了,正在找合适的新老师!没有合适老师之前,本课程暂停!

Ages between 7 and 11

Class Introduction

